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Update - May 2021

We hope this reaches you at a time when you are feeling well and committed to re-establishing ways to nourish yourself. It's not entirely clear whether it's an achievement in detachment or an outright reflection of the strangeness of recent times that this newsletter is the first from us since May 2020. Either way we're so glad to be reaching out to you again.

As you are probably aware, the studio has been back up and running all this year, and - like you perhaps, - we have been letting life after lockdown gently unfold.

As a result, there has been a gradual return of teachers and students to the studio, though it's pretty clear now that attendance is more sporadic than in the past 25 years of its history. No doubt, for all of us there have been big changes. For many of us, the commitment to consistency with daily practice has suffered.

We are of the view that the benefits of yoga practice are self-evident and, as such, there is no need to force the process. However, without the self discipline to get to your mat regularly nothing can happen.

It is with this in mind that we invite you to join us in a Winter Sunrise Intensive for the start of June.

The purpose is to share the energy generated by coming together as a community of yogis at dawn, and to support one another to again establish the discipline of a daily practice as we head into the colder months.

Classes will be suitable for all levels.

Monday and Wednesday commence with the morning chant and a brief guided session from 6.15am, before transitioning into self practice at 7am.The objective is to start the day absorbing yogic perspectives whilst bringing attention to the techniques that can be explored independently during the Mysore component from 7am.

Tuesday and Thursday morning will run from 6am in the classic Mysore style approach. On all days, there is no end time other than the one you naturally arrive at yourself.

Our Friday and Saturday Mysore with Dan and Amanda will remain unchanged during this period, and so you can opt to include those mornings as well if you're extra keen.

What we're offering you is an opportunity to take what is relatively familiar and maximise your potential. Through making a commitment to 4 days in a row per week for 2 weeks this beautifully healing practice will reveal to you why consistency works.

Cost for the 2 weeks from May 31 till June 10 is $160. Please book early by texting Greg, as numbers will be limited. We can't wait to share the time with you.

Of course, if you can only attend some of the 8 days of the programme, feel free to contact Greg on 0421 799 365, and we can discuss alternatives.

Aside from this event, all our wonderful classes are ongoing and our Mysore classes are now running until 10am on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.

Please check out the website timetable for details and updates.Check out our timetableOn another note, as life is returning to some normality, we are all super pleased to announce that we will be resuming our regular international teacher workshops at the Centre.

Our first visiting teacher will be Gregor Maehle, who will be running his Find Your Divine Purpose workshop on the 14th and 15th of August, and teach Mysore at the studio for the following week.

Please keep an eye on our website and social for further details and booking instructions.

Before signing off, we are ready to finally share some big personal news that is also potentially personal for you as well. Our intention to find a special replacement to take over studio ownership has manifested and so while we are still very much engaged in teaching, most of our previous roles have been relinquished.

So the second half of this newsletter is dedicated to a welcome from Ilaria Anibaldi and Matt Bruck.

We are super happy to introduce them to you as our choice to carry the studio forward from here and their appointment has already opened up opportunities for us such as the inspiration to teach the Winter Sunrise Intensive.

We fully understand this news may evoke uncertainty and perhaps even some sadness in you, but please be assured that we selected these yogis largely because of their love for the atmosphere of the studio and an intention to essentially leave it 'as is'.

So although they have been running the show for the last 6 weeks, you'll notice all your familiar teachers and classes still there. We gratefully request all your ongoing support for them as the new studio owners and for us in our teaching role. Thank you for the many years of support for us as the owners and we look forward to continuing and growing our relationship from here as teachers and friends.

Time now to pass over the newsletter to Ilaria and Matt and look forward to seeing you at the studio soon.

Om Shanti

Greg and Tracy

Introducing Matt and Ilaria

Life is full of transitions. Some small. Some big.

As you just read, the Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Melbourne is also going through a change. So, as we slowly begin to support the daily running of the studio, Greg and Tracy will be able to devote their full attention and focus on teaching.

For those of you who have already re-joined us, you may have had the opportunity to meet us. It is great to see friendships being born, and old ones being reignited. And if you haven't been back yet, we are very hopeful to meet you very soon. Maybe the Winter Intensive could be a step towards re-establishing your practice.

As transitions can sometimes be difficult, we want to reassure you that this change will happen gradually and gently, and on the surface things might even look like nothing has changed at all.

You will still see the same teachers and the same classes running. We will gradually add additional classes to go back to the old timetable. We might add a few extra classes and options for those who want to explore Pranayama and Meditation, chanting or Yoga for special needs.

We are currently working on re-launching the Mindbody booking system, however you will still be able to book your passes and memberships through the website or in person, at the studio.

Our hearts are fully open to any suggestions and feedback, or any other requests that you may have: as part of the community, we endeavour to listen and will try our best to continue making you feel at home.

Matt and I are so honoured to receive Greg and Tracy's blessing, and we fully believe in the Ashtanga Yoga Centre as a force for positive change in the community - a power built by Greg and Tracy over the past 27 years.

Thanks again to all of you for welcoming us into this beautiful family and for continuing to share your practice with each other, on and off the mat.

Om Shanti,

Matt and Ilaria

ॐ द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षं शान्तिः पृथिवी शान्तिरापः

शान्तिरोषधयःशान्तिः । वनस्पतयः शान्तिर्विश्वेदेवाःशान्तिर्ब्रह्म

शान्तिः सर्वं शान्तिः शान्तिरेव शान्तिः सा माशान्तिरेधि ॥

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om, May there be Peace in Heaven, May there be Peace in the Sky,

May there be Peace in the Earth, May there be Peace in the Water,

May there be Peace in the Plants, May there be Peace in the Trees,

May there be Peace in the Gods in the various Worlds,

May there be Peace in Brahman,

May there be Peace in All, May there be Peace Indeed within Peace,

Giving Me the Peace which Grows within Me,

Peace, Peace, Peace.


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